”Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.”

Travel & Adventure posts

List of Insanely Fun Activities You Can Do Each Weekend

List of Insanely Fun Activities You Can Do Each Weekend

Sometimes we run out of ideas about what to do on weekends or in our free time. So I made this long list of insanely fun activities you can check out anytime. Here they are: 1. Go for a walk and observe … …whether is is around the park or a lake (or through the city center) and observe nature/people, take your time to really notice things. Look at the way the river runs, the way people act. It is unexpectedly and surprisingly quite interesting activity.   2. Make a list of random things, write each thing down on the piece of paper, fold all of the papers and then pull out the random one....

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How to rent a property in the UK? Here are the crucial steps you need to take!

How to rent a property in the UK? Here are the crucial steps you need to take!

Here it is, you guys. The moment when I can finally share all the details with you what it was like to rent our very first flat in our new country of residence, the UK. Today you will learn everything you need to know about how to rent your first property in the UK. I am very excited that I am the one who can help you get started on this journey! It was a process that took us one week exactly but if I count the searching and scrolling-through-the-ads-part it took as a bit longer than that, let's say about a month. I'm not gonna lie, looking for property was pretty annoying, and far from...

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1O Important Things To Know When Moving To Another Country

1O Important Things To Know When Moving To Another Country

So you're moving to a foreign country, or you just recently moved. Congratulations on that big step! Just the taught of living abroad is somehow exciting to you and to me, a better life, a new start. Of course, you're excited. Sadly, the first excitement can quickly fade away if you're not ready for that awfully great change in your life. I've gone through this, so I know exactly what it means. Moving to the UK was one of the toughest decisions I had to make in life. Today I know it was totally worth it. Related posts: Why moving to the UK was the toughest (and the best) decision I could...

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Moving to UK was the toughest (and the best) decision I could possibly make

Moving to UK was the toughest (and the best) decision I could possibly make

Before it all started... Ever since my early 20's, I've been wondering where will I end up living. When will I experience a feeling of truly belonging somewhere? When I moved out of my childhood home for the first time to go study, I've often moved from one student home to another. Those dorms felt more like stations than anything else but I guess that's reasonable enough. I had to be there, it was the best option from the financial point of view. Not to mention all the fun we had. Yeah, it was fun and I have a lot of good memories but that wasn't home. It was only a place I stayed for a few...

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