This is a list of 45 rules you have to follow if you want to achieve true happiness in life.

I just want people to be happy, as happy as possible. Not creepy happy, only happy. You wanna know why?

Because if you’re happy, the world is slightly better.

I haven’t always been happy. I especially remember a certain period of time during my student years when I was feeling depressed. I stayed in bed 24/7 for weeks not being able to do anything, not being interested in anything I would normally be. I left campus for some time to go home. Luckily, Math students weren’t obligated to visit classes like many other students had to so I didn’t have to explain anything to anyone.

I felt so desperate that I went to the doctor. The doctor said it was depression but I’m not sure to this day. All I know it happened and I have no bloody idea where it came from. And most importantly it was gone after a month and it never returned, at least not in that size. The next time something similar happened I was more prepared for it and with a little effort I chased those feelings away.

I know a lot about doing things that make you happy because that’s all I’ve been doing last years. It’s pretty normal that the number of rules has increased over time but most of them were in my mind for a long time and yes, they work without a slightest doubt.

It’s proven! Not just by me but by my close ones and the people I know. You simply have to follow these rules if you want to be happy once and for all.

There is one rule that is the most important rule of all but it is on the list somewhere. I wont tell you which one it is right now but you’ll know when you see it. Trust me.

I really want you to go through all the rules and follow them. Almost every one of them if not all of them.

Rules For Happiness: List of 45 effective rules to follow

by | Personal Development

#1 Smile more. Laugh more. The more you smile, the happier you are.

#2 Say hello to the people on street. Learn to smile to people more often. They’ll return you kindness. You’ll automatically become more satisfied with yourself and your life.

#3 Listen to music. Happy music. Uplifting music. Dance and lose yourself in the music. It will reduce stress and make you happy.

#4 Write down a list what you’re grateful for. Do this every morning. Every day, at least 3 things you’re grateful for. 

#5 Light scent candles in your apartment.

#6 Make yourself a long bubble bath at least once in a while.


#7 Read positive and inspiring stories.

Don’t read about negative things that are happening. Don’t watch news every day (or at all).

#8 Start walking, hiking, running.

As long as you escape city life and enjoy nature as much as you can. You’ll feel more connected with yourself and you’ll finally be able to clear your thoughts.

#9 Write, write, write. 

 Write down your thoughts, feelings, make up your own quotes, write poems, diary, articles. There’s nothing more therapeutic than this. Don’t underestimate it until you’ve tried. Write an inspiring post and publish it. Knowing you inspired or helped someone will bring happiness to your life.

#10 Watch sunrise. Watch sunset. Enjoy it.

#11 Be present.

Try to be aware of yourself, of every moment. When you look at something, really look at it. When you listen to something, listen to it.


#12 Be good to others. Help other people.

#13 Declutter.

Get rid of all the stuff you don’t need. Make room for … room. Too many things are sucking our energy and we’re not even aware of it.

#14 Meditate.


#15 Sleep

Have enough sleep but don’t sleep too much because it has the same effect as lack of sleeping. It both makes you feel bad, tired and without energy.

#16 Surround yourself with colors.

Wear happy colors, put something colorful in your apartment (like a beautiful or inspiring wall sticker)

#17 Read books.

If you think you don’t have time for it let me just say that by reading 10 pages per day you can easily read 12 books a year. Read while you’re waiting for coffee to cool down or while being on a toilet. If you say you don’t have time to read, I’m not buying it.

 #18 Be social.

Spend your time with family, friends. If you don’t have anyone, it’s not hard to find a group of people that share the same interest as you.

 #19 Watch comedy or funny videos.

 #20 Happiness blooms from within.

If you can’t learn to be happy by yourself, everything around you can be beautiful but you still won’t achieve happiness.

 #21 Spend sunny days outside.

Even if it’s not sunny, spend your time outside as much as you possibly can. Go to the woods. They work like magic, I promise!

#22 Find a job you’ll feel good at.

If you go to work unhappy ask yourself if you want to continue doing for the next 10, 20, 30 years? Change positions, find something new, never stop looking. Or start something on your own. Trust me, it’s worth it.

#23 Go to unknown places.

Go somewhere you haven’t been before. Observe the area. Discover. There is a great satisfaction in discovering something new.

#24 Watch comedy or funny videos.

#25 Live your life by collecting memories, not things!


#26 Cook something new every week. 

Finding a new recipe you’ll love makes you feel like you’ve discovered a whole new world. (At least for me because I like to eat. Haha)

#27 Go to that concert you’ve always wanted to go.

#28 Stop worrying about money.

Worry doesn’t help. What does help is focusing your energy into finding ways to earn that extra. Believe me, there are ways. You’ve only been to busy worrying instead of researching.

#29 Make another person laugh.

#30 Spend time with children. 

 If you don’t have any children in your family or friends circle, volunteer in some local workshops where you can work with kids. Children have the most power to make you happy without any specific reason.

#31 Make peace with your family.

Forgive someone so you can have peace. Forgive because it’s easier to live your life by forgiving. Anger or resentment is only harming yourself and no one else. Forgiving is a decision. When I forgave someone in my life, I instantly felt loghter and happier and I can go on with my life with more freedom. You do want freedom, don’t you?


#32 Have a pet.

People with pets are happier people, especially those having a dog. These loving creatures light up our lives. And we need to treat them as family because they deserve it.


#33 Find out who you truly are and what you’re truly interested in.

Follow your dreams and wishes.


#34 Have a to-do list and stick to it.

Be productive. Make something out of your day, every day.

#35 Be proactive. Do what you say.

#36 Stand up for yourself.

Don’t let other people push you down.

#37 Don’t compare yourself to other people. 

Don’t compare yourself to other people. It’s not important who is ahead of you and who is behind you. Live your own life instead! We each create our own story. And focusing on other people more than focusing on ourselves will cause more damage to you in the long run.

#38 Don’t worry about things you don’t have any impact on and don’t worry about the unknown future.

Because you don’t have any impact on and you might as well be eaten by worry. Simple as that. Being worried for the unknown? Why spend your time in worry if you don’t know what will happen.

#39 Be yourself.

Be goofy, shy, whoever you are. Be real. Wearing a mask every day is a burden you don’t need. It’s easier to live your life just being yourself. People will follow your example if you stick to it. Trust me, it happened for me. In the end, everyone just wants to be themselves. It’s like swimming naked. It’s liberating and it feels awesome. 🙂

#40 Spend your time with positive people

and stay away from negative people or energy vampires. Simply because they are toxic and making you even more unhappy. Sometimes you just have to let some people go their own way. Took me a long time to realize that but like I always say, it’s never too late.


#41 Meet new people, listen to their experiences.

It will help you get over people from your past and it will make you realize we each have our own story. And that every life is a mix of laughter, happiness, tears and sorrow. Life is one big collection of experiences and the more experiences we have, the richer we are.

#42 Watch motivational video first thing in the morning.


#43 Draw or paint something when you can. Be creative.

It reduces stress that has everything to do with keeping you unhappy. If you don’t want to draw from scratch buy a coloring book for grownups. I bought one last year and it feels so good to color. I’ve also started to paint on rocks and this has been one of the most therapeutical things I’ve done in my entire life. It’s beyond words satisfying.



#44 Find someone to talk about your feelings, don’t keep it all to yourself.

It is the most unhealthy thing you can do. Sadly, but there are many people going through same.

#45 Visit beautiful places, forests, lakes.

Places known and unknown. See how beautiful life is and that metarial things don’t matter.

Enjoy this life you have!


Be happy! Be crazy!


Be yourself


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I am Dee – adventurer, designer, coffee lover and a runner. This is my uplifting blog for everyone who seeks freedom, beauty and some inspiration! 

Freedom is what I’ve always been after. And I’m loving it every step of the way. If you want the same things, you’re in the right place and welcome to stick around!

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  1. Laurie Harmon

    This is a really great list. I enjoyed reading it.

    • Dinka

      Thanks, Laurie!


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