8 Proven Ways To Become Happy

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Do you want to know my top proven ways to become happy? They helped me and I know these steps will make your life a lot easier.

Here are 8 Steps To Happiness and I am sure you’ll love all of them.

#1 Acceptance.

The day I accepted the fact that my happiness is only my responsibility and started working on making myself happy was the last time I felt disturbed.

See, these things are not realised over a night. I also realised this over a period of time and I’d be lying if I say it didn’t cost me much. After losing some friends, being in depression, having panic attacks, losing my confidence and cutting myself off from people, I came to know who I am really, what I want from my life and what freedom means to me.

Whatever we go through is important for our growth, therefore, never fear any situation. The only thing one must fear should be losing themselves and their individuality. If you are going through a bad phase, smile and face it like a hero. Be your own hero. Happiness comes from within.

Accept your positive and negative traits because that makes you an individual. After accepting, start working on your negative traits, your negative traits won’t vanish but you would be able to control them which is far better than just flowing in your emotions.

#2 Confront your feelings

We, sometimes, call our friends and discuss our problems with them, don’t do that because that makes us dependent. I am not saying to not talk to your friends but before discussing your problems and feelings with anybody, pen down your feelings, discuss it with yourself, talk to yourself. By talking I mean sit alone in front of a mirror and then talk. Sounds crazy, right? But it works, believe me.

Break Up Quotes

#3 Be grateful

Yes, magic happens but for that to happen to you, start appreciating little things. See around yourself, the nature is so beautiful, people are so good- nobody is perfect, learn to accept their flaws and start seeing good in them. Be grateful to your body for everything it has gone through because of you but never betrayed you. Your true soulmate is your body. You and your body stay together from birth till death. Treat it the way it deserves to be treated!!

#4 Enjoy your company

Being alone doesn’t make you a loner instead it helps you know who you are, what your goals are and helps you achieve your goals. If you are happy when surrounded by people and fear being alone then my friend something is wrong with you and you need to work on yourself. Me time is very important. Do yourself a favour and take out 10 mins for yourself, it will only make you more focused. Analyse your day, think about everything you felt, think whether whatever made you happy will it help you achieve your goals, whether it is good for your body, whether it is worth your time and energy. If not then just let it go, if yes then hold onto it. Plan your next day.

Break Up Quotes

#5 Spend time with family 

Career and work are important, very, in fact but balancing things is life. Your family and people who matter to you should never feel left out or unwanted because we feel good when we see them happy and whatever makes us happy matters. If you are VERY busy then also try to take out time for them, be it 10 minutes but in those 10 mins don’t make them feel that you are doing them a favor by giving them some time. Talk to them with the same amount of zeal and interest you would like to be talked with.

#6 Practice self-love

First of all, self love is neither underestimating people nor not accepting your flaws. Self love isn’t telling people that you are the best, it’s about knowing your own worth and valuing yourself. It is about accepting yourself, embracing yourself and feeling complete. Never let people tell you what you deserve and what you don’t. Never victimise yourself. When you pass by a mirror, stop and tell yourself that you are beautiful, that you are proud of the person you’ve become and there’s nothing in this world you can’t do. Believe me the smile which will appear on your face will be worth dying for.

Here are my 135 Positive Affirmation Printables I created to make us all feel more grateful and happy:
Self-love affirmations for women

#7 Do something productive

By productive, I don’t mean only doing things that only benefit your career but do things that also help you become a better human. Read books, watch motivational videos, date your goals, write down things that make you happy, and think about how you can use them for your betterment. 

#8 Be spiritual

Being spiritual doesn’t mean lighting lamps, incense sticks and praying for hours. Spirituality means loving and being kind to oneself, people and nature and taking a minute or two out everyday to connect with God is very important because the world sometimes is very negative and positivity is what makes a person happy.

This is all what I do and I have never felt so empowered,happy and complete. I, literally, smile almost always and recently people have been telling me how good they feel when I am around them.


Happiness is a state of mind and it’s an emotion that comes when we fulfilled our desires. We all have the right and freedom to choose happiness. It’s not temporary pleasure like using mobile, money. We can be happy by finding happiness in small things to large things. We find happiness in our mood, Happiness is not showing that we are laughing all day and in alone we feel depressed.

Self-love affirmations for women

6 Factors that contribute to happiness:

– Self Satisfaction:

Happiness depends upon one’s desire. People use to leave small happiness in the search for a big one and they miss small one also. That’s why people living in the big bungalow are not happy and other than that people who are living in a street are enjoying. When we are child we expect less and think less , we get happy in small things, we don’t find any reason to be happy.


Happiness is a habit and it can’t be created by external things, We can’t control external things fully. If we understand happiness, understanding which is based on facts and universal truths it can’t be changed and it will be forever. Temporary happiness is a pleasure, not real happiness.

– Faith:

 Our ancient were happier. In 19th century people were happier because they have faith in themselves and god. If we believe in any object and it create positivity and helps to heal us.

– Self-Growth:

 A person will be happy and satisfied who is continually moving, practicing and finding the best in himself or herself.

– Manipulating your Mind: Our brain can be controlled. Ask a question to yourself when you starts thinking not only in positive way but also accepting the universal truth. You will love yourselves and make one aura positive.

Your people, Your pillars:

Man is a social animal and they are surrounded by some people who love them unconditionally. People find their happiness there when they are simply sitting with their loved ones because they feel safe there. Woman and girl happy is when she goes outside without fear, A mother is happy when her son comes home on time. A wife is happy when her husband shows respect and love etc. “What do you feel when you see your parent’s face?” Happiness or pleasure, a Person who can give life to save you and you can trust them blindly, don’t you feel blessed?.

Hence, When you trust in the lord and any the energy you believe and find out that everything depends upon your mind and when you will talk softly, thinking optimistically, when you share goodwill with others, when you help people and you will find a different kind of satisfaction and that happiness you will cherish for all the days of your life.

Hello and welcome

I am Dee – adventurer, designer, coffee lover and a runner. This is my uplifting blog for everyone who seeks freedom, beauty and some inspiration! 

Freedom is what I’ve always been after. And I’m loving it every step of the way. If you want the same things, you’re in the right place and welcome to stick around!

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