At times it seems to me that I am living my life backwards, and that at the approach of old age my real youth will begin.

Self-improvement posts

8 Proven Ways To Become Happy

8 Proven Ways To Become Happy

Do you want to know my top proven ways to become happy? They helped me and I know these steps will make your life a lot easier. Here are 8 Steps To Happiness and I am sure you'll love all of them.#1 Acceptance. The day I accepted the fact that my happiness is only my responsibility and started working on making myself happy was the last time I felt disturbed. See, these things are not realised over a night. I also realised this over a period of time and I’d be lying if I say it didn’t cost me much. After losing some friends, being in depression, having panic attacks, losing my confidence and...

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How to stop caring what other people think and take control of your own life

How to stop caring what other people think and take control of your own life

Why are you here? You came to read this post to hear a not-so-simple truth about how to stop caring what other people think about you and your life. And the truth isn't always easy to swallow. You can take this truth with a grain of salt or choose to accept it as it is.  Unfortunately, this habit of “worrying about what other people think” is hard to shake. If you are really a shy person and would finally want to speak up and stand up for yourself, it’s likely that your mind kicks in and you suddenly have thoughts like “What if they laugh at me and I start to blush like a tomato?” “What if...

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Rules For Happiness: List of 45 effective rules to follow

Rules For Happiness: List of 45 effective rules to follow

This is a list of 45 rules you have to follow if you want to achieve true happiness in life. I just want people to be happy, as happy as possible. Not creepy happy, only happy. You wanna know why? Because if you're happy, the world is slightly better.I haven't always been happy. I especially remember a certain period of time during my student years when I was feeling depressed. I stayed in bed 24/7 for weeks not being able to do anything, not being interested in anything I would normally be. I left campus for some time to go home. Luckily, Math students weren't obligated to visit classes...

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33 FREE online courses you can start right away!

33 FREE online courses you can start right away!

Hey friend! So you're here because you want to learn a thing or two. Or more than that. Whatever it is, I am here to tell you, you can do it. The best thing about it is that you can learn all of it without spending a single penny! For me, I would be the happiest person on the planet if I had the time to learn hundreds of new things and acquire many skills. I have this problem you's called 'having too many interests'. You've probably heard of it, right? Maybe you have this 'condition', too. Having lot's of interests is great but also not so great. We all know the day has only 24...

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How to really get to know yourself? And why is it so important to know who you are?

How to really get to know yourself? And why is it so important to know who you are?

Knowing, and I mean really knowing yourself is crucial to achieving success. And freedom. learn everything you need to know about importance of getting to know yourself + see 7 crucial questions you need to ask yourself to see who you really are   As a teenager I never thought I would be here right now, writing these words.   Who ever knows what the future will bring? As a 15-year-olds we imagine our adulthood quite differently than it later turns out.   Young adults usually want the following things in the following order: graduate, be successful and have a job they love, a loving partner...

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How to be truly happy living alone?

How to be truly happy living alone?

More and more people are living alone today. An estimated 1 in 4 people in the United States are making a home on their own. There are lots of advantages to living alone - no one to fight for the remote, no one to judge you if you want to eat a baloney sandwich in your underwear in the middle of the night - but it can also get lonely if you're not sure how to use being alone into your own advantage! Keep reading to learn how to make the most of being alone.   But remember one thing first: ALONENESS is NOT the same as LONELINESS   1. Try not to expect too much from people A simple...

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How to become self confident? Or at least appear to be confident?

How to become self confident? Or at least appear to be confident?

Follow these effective steps that helped me get the confidence I needed. This article is for you if: You want to know the secret of most confident people You want to become more self-confident You want to easily approach people and make conversations You want to have more courage to talk to someone you fancy You want to read my personal story of how I've gone from I-want-to-hide-my-head-in-the-sand-woman at all to a strong self-confident one. So if you feel related to at least one of the points, then stick around to learn more. Yes I know, confidence can be a tough thing to build up. But...

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List of Insanely Fun Activities You Can Do Each Weekend

List of Insanely Fun Activities You Can Do Each Weekend

Sometimes we run out of ideas about what to do on weekends or in our free time. So I made this long list of insanely fun activities you can check out anytime. Here they are: 1. Go for a walk and observe … …whether is is around the park or a lake (or through the city center) and observe nature/people, take your time to really notice things. Look at the way the river runs, the way people act. It is unexpectedly and surprisingly quite interesting activity.   2. Make a list of random things, write each thing down on the piece of paper, fold all of the papers and then pull out the random one....

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16 Amazing Tips For Rapid Increase Of Your Productivity

16 Amazing Tips For Rapid Increase Of Your Productivity

Here are my proven tips on how to increase your everyday productivity, whether it has to do with work or anything else.  These awesome tips helped me stay consistent to build this website from scratch, to start a blog all by myself without any previous experience or help. And I managed to pull it off without being tech-savvy, at all. Imagine that!  An enormous amount of work can be done very quickly if you only stay organized, consistent and of course, willing to learn and achieve something big! So here are my top 16 ways to become and stay productive, every day. Increase your productivity...

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My Top 5 Life Changing Lessons for Self-Improvement

My Top 5 Life Changing Lessons for Self-Improvement

It is never too late to make a change. If you've been living your life thinking otherwise, I'm here to tell you - think again! Just a few years ago, I did a lot of things, bad things. Drinking on weekdays, weekends, on every occasion (if you can call it an occasion). Smoking one package of cigarettes a day, lack of exercise and forgetting to drink water. To cut this short, I haven't been doing anything that would make me happy in a long term. Instead, I used things that were kind of a short-term satisfaction, a some kind of a replacement. In the long term, those things were making me more...

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Best morning routine and 10 amazing ideas to start your day!

Best morning routine and 10 amazing ideas to start your day!

I remember my 'best morning routine' a couple of years ago as a student. Skip lectures, sleep until 11 AM and then meeting my friends for a 'morning' coffee or lunch. And just like that, the morning's over. I used to consider myself as a night owl, so that didn't bother me at all back then. Later on, as I got older and older, I decided to start getting up earlier because I've noticed I have more energy throughout the day when I don't sleep in. I was kind of turning into a morning person. But still, not a day went by without the snooze button (I had too hit that button at least three times...

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10 ways to finally get your energy back

10 ways to finally get your energy back

Lack of energy (and laziness) CAN be cured. If I succeeded with these, anybody can. I know, I know. Easier said than done. I get it. It wasn't an overnight thing for me either. I've had my ups and downs. I still do. But after all those years of fighting laziness and procrastination I now finally understand how it could be possible to make a progress right away and be proud of myself and my accomplishments at last. Something I wished for so long. And the funniest thing is that I didn't even realize how unsatisfied I was at the time. Until recently. And maybe you don't quite see it either, you...

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